Life-changing opportunities

Success takes on a new meaning.

Success at The Mission happens in so many ways.

Sometimes, success happens after many failed attempts. Occasionally, it occurs with a step backwards, followed by a few wavering steps forward on a long journey. Every so often, it begins when a major realization allows us to see ourselves in a new light.

Here are some of those success stories:


I Had a Million Chances Before. This Time is For Real.

When Anthony Grassi was 16 years old, he said, “Nobody could tell me what to do. I thought I knew it all. I was using and dealing. And my mother said I was either going to flush the drugs down the toilet or get out. So I left and lived in a Jeep.” “From there, I was trapped in a

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Organic Farm Donates Restaurant Quality Food To The Mission

Just over a decade ago, Stephanie Delucia, who was heading up the marketing department for Vertical Screen, an international information technology firm, recalled how Tony and Amy D’Orazio, the entrepreneurial husband-and-wife team, came into her office, closed the door, and said, “We need to talk.” Stephanie gulped as she heard that ominous phrase. Then she saw that Tony and Amy’s

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Sharing Meals With Those Who Have Not

While volunteering at a local food pantry, Isabelle Lambotte and some of her friends were deeply moved by the daunting challenges they saw so many of their neighbors facing because they did not have enough money to prepare nutritious meals for their families. Meanwhile, they could not help but notice that so many restaurants, cafeterias and food stores had surplus

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Nicole with Valentina, who made her realize who she could not live without.

I Had To Choose What I Could Not Live Without

When Nicole and Chuck met, as children, they were drawn to each other, magnetically. He, with his sideways smile. She, always looking over her shoulder. They got each other. They had a connection that went beyond understanding.  As they grew older, whenever they entered each other‘s homes, they knew to expect the unexpected. There was no wishing for something different.

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No Longer Looking Over My Shoulder, I Am Looking Ahead.

In his first year of college, Jason Williams was a student athlete. He didn’t like the program, though. So, he left college, planning on transferring to another school. “But I didn’t,” he lamented. “That was the worst mistake of my life.” Instead, he was drawn to the streets, selling drugs, making more money than he ever imagined. “It was all

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