The Shelter
For more than a century, whenever someone has knocked on our shelter’s door, all we ask were just two questions: “What’s your name?” and “Are you hungry?”
Then, over a shared meal, our dedicated and talented staff help each homeless individual start to map out a path for “What’s next?”
Last year, 1,018 individuals knocked on our Shelter’s door, who stayed with us for over 38,005 nights, and were served over 71,992 meals.
Each individual is offered a full range of professional case management services, without consideration of ability to pay, including healthcare, behavioral health counseling, addiction treatment, financial assistance – and last year we were able to help 153 previously homeless individuals obtain housing.
We are keenly aware that behind each of those stark numbers is a very personal story.

Tyree Adams, Team Care Coordinator of Emergency Services, having a counseling session with Lynne, who, while staying in The Shelter was helped to find a full-time job and is getting ready to leave for her own apartment.
Do you need help?
You are welcome here.
Our Shelter offers you a warm meal, a safe place to sleep and life-changing opportunities.
Call (609) 695-1436, then press 2.
Or fill out this online form.