See Potential.
Providing opportunities for all.
“Look into the eyes of someone who is struggling. See their pain. And I also ask that you see their potential.”
Barrett Young
CEO, The Mission
We stand on the shoulders of those who, over a century ago, saw the crucial need to create The Shelter for anyone in our community who was hungry, homeless, and needing help to get back on their feet.
Since then, with compassion, respect and trust, we have been here, around-the-clock, every day-of-the-year – helping those who have nowhere else to turn.
The Shelter is where our work began.
Then, over the years, The Mission has evolved to bring our community closer together in eight distinct, yet interconnected and vital ways:
- The Shelter
- Behavioral Health Center
- Vocational Development
- The New Direction Program
- Supportive Housing
- Outreach
- Thrift Store
- Food Pantry
Our ultimate goal is to help put an end to homelessness – one person at a time.
Be a part of someone’s success story.
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