Supportive Housing
When someone is ready to live on his or her own, we provide case management services to help that individual navigate the complex requirements necessary for someone who was previously homeless to secure housing.
Last year, through working with our community partners, we were able to help 120 previously homeless individuals secure housing.
In addition, as part of our commitment to end homelessness, The Mission now owns five houses and one apartment building, which can provide a home for 43 individuals.
Recently, we oversaw the reconstruction of a historic home on South Clinton Avenue in Trenton, which had long been ransacked, boarded-up, and abandoned. Now renovated to its previous state, this elegant house is the home of five formerly homeless women. Our commitment came from seeing the number of homeless women seeking food and shelter at The Mission increase by 25 percent in the past eight years. “Many of these women are victims of domestic violence,” said Barrett Young, The Mission’s Chief Operating Officer. “We knew we had to do something,” he added. “That’s how we always begin.”

The ribbon being cut last year on The Mission’s first permanent supportive house for five previously homeless women.