If you are struggling with addiction, we can provide you with free medication, which will prevent withdrawal, reduce your cravings, and give you the opportunity to recover.
We are here for you.
Any morning from 6 am until 7 pm, just walk up the ramp at 89 Ewing Street, knock on our Shelter’s door, and we will bring you to see a professional from Iron Recovery and Wellness Center, one of our partners, who can immediately provide you with the appropriate medication.
Or call 609.695.1436 ext. 142 and Alyese will be more than glad to help you.
In addition, you can have access to telehealth appointments with the medical staff at the Henry J. Austin Health Center, who is also partnering with us to help you with your recovery.
Our dedicated teams will work with you through every step of your recovery.
This innovative new program is funded by the New Jersey State Department of Human Services Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services.
At The Mission, you can also receive warm meals, a safe place to sleep, access to healthcare, behavioral health counseling, vocational development and the opportunity to obtain permanent supportive housing.
We invite you to take this first step of your recovery.
Here’s how it worked for Stanley:
When Stanley came to The Shelter, Alyese Patterson, a talented, dedicated and compassionate Case Manager, introduced him to the professional team at Iron Recovery and Wellness Center, where he was assessed and prescribed suboxone to reduce his dependence on opioids.
Stanley, who served in the military, had been sleeping in the passenger seat of a broken-down car before he knocked on The Shelter’s door.
He said, “Alyese was a godsend. She truly cared. And that floored me. She stayed with me the whole time. And assured me that everything would be fine. And it has been. Now, my desire to escape through drugs has gone away. I have a safe place to sleep, I get warm meals, and I have seen a doctor. She’s helped me apply for jobs, which I really want. And she helped me get my state identification, so I can eventually get housing” He paused, then added, “I finally like what I see in the mirror.”