Just before knocking on The Shelter’s door, Robin Watkins said out loud, “Oh God, no, no, no, no.”
She did not want to go in.
But she had nowhere else to turn.
She was hungry. And needed a place to rest her head.
So, she knocked.
Robin shared, “I worked my whole life. I’ve only been unemployed for two years. I worked at a hospital for 17 years, and a residential home for children with special needs for 14 years. Then I lost my job. And everything became unraveled.”
Shaking her head, she added, “I never knew my life was going to come apart the way it did. And I never thought I would be here.”
She paused, then added, “You know, on occasion I would drive by The Shelter, and see people outside. Then after I lost my job, I thought, ‘No. I can’t go there.’ I kept resisting. But once my money ran out, I had to come in. And I’ve met countless people who helped me in so many ways. If you want help, they will give it to you. And show you the way.”
Robin said, “Now, if someone new comes in the middle of the night, I’ll get them a pair of pajamas or help in any way I can, because someone did that for me when I came here with absolutely nothing. So, I know.”
With a smile that can light up a room, she added, “A case manager is working with me on getting housing. And she says it looks like it will happen. There’s just a few more things I have to take care of before it will go through.”
Our goal is to help to put an end to homelessness – for Robin and so many others.
She added, “When I leave here, I’ll still come back to help out in any way I can. Or if I have something to give or donate, I will. I would definitely like to do that. Because I can never forget where I came from. And how they’ve been here for me. And helped me know that everything is going to be ok.”