

I’ve Been Called a Lot of Things Before…But Role Model Wasn’t One of Them.

When Lenny Territo was in high school, he said, “I started using drugs, hanging out with the wrong crowd, then got in some serious trouble when I was 20, so I ended up in State Prison.” He paused, then said, “I’m sure you’ve heard that story a thousand times.” Then in 2007, he stopped using

I’ve Been Called a Lot of Things Before…But Role Model Wasn’t One of Them. Read More »

6 Way you can help

Our hearts are continually uplifted by YOU—the caring individuals who extend a helping hand to others.

There are numerous ways for you and your team to get involved and support The Mission, keeping it open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year—providing food for our neighbors who are hungry, shelter for the homeless, counseling for those in recovery, and creating opportunities for all. Here’s how you

Our hearts are continually uplifted by YOU—the caring individuals who extend a helping hand to others. Read More »